**Disclaimer: No excessive partying or Real World people are in this book! **I guess I just do not relate to this cancer book at all. When I am reading it I feel like I am reading a creative writing assignment that has been written over and over again until it is so trendy and hip that it just pops off the page. I found almost nothing in this book relatable through the first half of the book, and while if you want to get pumped up and give cancer a makeover you should pick it up. Over all though, my humble advice would be to just read the chapters in review at the end if you find yourself feeling like me. They get the most important pieces of advice which is why I bought the tips book and not just the video that started it all and if you want more information you can turn to that section. I thought perhaps it is just that when I was diagnosed I wasn’t established in an acting career and doing great, I was just starting out, not even out of college, and I didn’t (and still don’t) have friends who were major players in anything really, so I ran it past Fish for some evaluation. He did not read the book merely skimmed it and read the back and he agreed that there is something that makes this book seems more like an act than an actual book on how to deal with being diagnosed. I am all for having an attitude and for taking control of your life, but this book really reminds me of those people who try way too hard to be in the know and out there looking fabulous. I have only been friends with two people in my life who have had these kinds of witty funny pieces come to them naturally, RJ and George San. When I watched Juno all I could think was no one really says those kinds of things, no one can really think of 80’s cues and 90’s TV shows all the time at the exact perfect moment. And of all the people I have ever known, those are the only two that I think it came naturally to and neither one of them did it in an I’m trying to impress someone way. It doesn’t even boil down to the fact that she’s an actress because my sister is an actress and a damned fine one too. If you’ve never seen her in a play you are missing out on an amazing talent, and if you asked her to write about cancer she wouldn’t write something like this. I should know I asked her to write for me, and what she gave me was a good piece of writing. This book is definitely for the more free spirited, I have money to burn cancer survivor, and that sadly is not me. I wanted to like this book. I wanted to see myself as a cancer kicking fighting bitch who cusses in every other word I type but that’s not me all the time. When I write I don’t censor myself, I just don’t see the need to translate those pieces like that. I use the F-Word (bumbumbuuuuuuuuummmmmm) all the time in casual conversation with my friends, and have even dropped it in front of the girls but when I am around my 92 year old grandma; I try my best not to go. “Hey Grandma, what the fuck is up, yo?” It doesn’t make sense for the situation. I don’t feel like I am changing myself, in fact I would feel like I am putting on an act if I wanted my Grandma to have me talk to her like that. Basically I like what the book has to say, it offers some nice advice, but I hate the way it was written. I cannot take it seriously and the more I read the more I want to smack the writer and that makes me sad. Perhaps it is because I just read Everything Changes which deals with the real voices of several cancer patients that I just do not see this book as up to par for survivors. It’s for trendy survivors, and I am not trendy I suppose. Half way through the book however the author tends to get a bit more serious, I suppose this could be her acceptance and moving forward stage and it is around here where the cussing every other word disappears and she start discussing real ways to deal with cancer. While I was still unable to relate, I think the book does redeem itself in offering up a lot of information especially anyone who is thinking of trying alternative or new treatments. There are a lot of cool links, tons of information on going vegan and being healthy including recipes at the end. I tried so very hard to relate to this book and while I did finally get into the niche of the book half way through by that time I was so far gone I couldn’t pull myself back and knowing that I could never (not back then or now) just drop everything and use credit cards to go on a meditation trip with my best friend, nor could I switch to a 100% organic healthy lifestyle (in this case Vegan) due t the same monetary constrictions. So, it is a nice pick up for getting tips and for learning how cool people deal with cancer, but for real world life experiences that everyone can relate to, I just couldn’t say this one resonated with me. Sorry, I guess I’m not a good enough cancer babe! :-(
I will be picking up the video that started it all to see that as I assume if I had watched it first I would be more in the know and feel more connected…maybe…
Greatest Piece: Cancer Faux Pas!- these little tidbits at times are pretty funny but are also pretty insightful into a cancer survivors life.
Best Faux Pas!
>You’re So Brave.
>You Poor Thing, Ill pray for you.
>Bless your tender heart.
>Whoa! You’re Fucked!
Greatest piece of advice: Place a sign that says “NO PAPER. NO TRAYS. NO ICE. I WEIGH _____ POUNDS on your door to keep nurses from waking you up all hours of the night and early morning!
Most interesting part: I will be incorporating some of the links that are posted here into the page I have been working on for being creative while having cancer. She offers some great ideas with links. Also the scrapbook style of this book is very interesting for seeing how her life has evolved since her diagnosis. Her best quote: “Worrying was praying for what you don’t want”
Felt Connected at the end with this quote “It was shocking to me that an uplifting story about survival would get lost in the shuffle of celebrity poker, tattoos, and cellulite removal shows
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